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Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Academy

Wang Ju-yi’s Applied Channel Theory: Module 3 Diagnosis and Clinical Cases

Wang Ju-yi’s Applied Channel Theory: Module 3 Diagnosis and Clinical Cases

Regular price $650.00 CAD
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This Workshop is Module 3 of Wang Ju-Yi's Applied Channel Theory!

Applied Channel Theory (經絡醫學jīng luò yī xué) is an approach in Chinese medicine rooted in the dual research threads of classical texts and modern clinical application.


In Module 3, the goal is to answer the main question most students have once they have started to use Applied Channel Theory. How do I interpret this patient according to channel physiology? How do I decide which channel to treat? Which points do I use?

During this course all of the information learned in the first two modules will be integrated to help participants arrive at a better diagnosis.

The course will cover methods of channel differentiation — essentially how to link the symptom pattern with the relevant channel.

In addition, different methods of channel selection will also be discussed — these methods discuss how to choose the most appropriate channel for treatment.

All of this content will be discussed through discussion of specific disorders and clinical cases. There will also be live clinical cases to further demonstrate the clinical application of ACT.

The online portion of the class (Day 1) will focus on the general methods of channel differentiation and channel selection.

For the in-person class (Days 2 and 3), more focus will be placed on the treatment of specific clinical disorders with clinical cases and live demonstration. For the first day, treatment of common “channel sinew” disorders will be discussed, such as back pain and shoulder pain. For the second day, the treatment of internal disorders will be discussed, including issues like insomnia/depression and gynaecological disorders. 


Schedule: Monday, June 23rd & Monday July 7th, 2025 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM, and Monday July 21st to Tuesday July, 22nd, 2025 from 10:00AM - 6:00PM


  • Mondays June 23rd & July 7th: Online on Zoom
  • Monday, July 21st to Tuesday, July 22rd: In Person at AIM Academy


  1. Completion of Wang Ju-yi's Applied Channel Theory: Module #1
  2. Completion of Wang Ju-yi's Applied Channel Theory Module #2
  3. You are required to have a solid TCM theory background and have read the required text (Wang Ju-yi and Jason Roberston's book, "Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine.")

Early Bird Rate until April 30th, 2025: $650

Regular Cost: $750

TCMO Member Price: $650 (Call 416-323-1818 ext. 202 to register at your discounted rate.)

AIM Alumni Price: $650 (Call 416-323-1818 ext. 200 to register at your discounted rate.)

Payment Options:

  1. Payment can be made online by Visa or MasterCard
  2. In person using Visa, Mastercard, or interac
  3. Via e-transfer to

Register online through our Shopify store or over the phone by calling 416 323 1818 ext. 200. Registrations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. Register early to avoid disappointment.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made on or before two weeks prior to the course start date will result in a $50 + HST cancellation fee. Cancellations made after that date will not receive a refund.

Instructor: Jonathan Chang

Jonathan Chang graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2012 with a degree in Chinese Medicine. From 2008 to 2017 he studied with Wang Ju-yi in Beijing, and was Dr. Wang’s full-time assistant at the Wang Ju-yi Applied Channel Theory Research Center and Clinic.

With two other apprentices, he helped compile a book of Dr. Wang’s clinical cases that was published by the China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine in April 2014, titled Wang Ju-yi’s Applied Channel Theory Clinical Case Studies. Along with Mei Li, he is working on an English translation of the book, which will be published by Eastland Press.

He was one of the main contributors to Dr. Wang’s An Introduction to Applied Channel Theory, which was published in 2016 by the China Press of TCM.

In August 2012, he was recognized by the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association and Wang Ju-yi as an apprentice and official instructor of Applied Channel Theory. In 2015, he was recognized as one of Wang Ju-yi’s indoor apprentices.

Since 2017, he has been practicing at the Ling Lan TCM clinic, which is located in Beijing, China.