AIM Academy Scholarships:
Available Scholarships: $1,000, $500, $250
Terms and Conditions:
- Available to students entering the second year of a 2.5-year Acupuncture Diploma Program at AIM Academy, they also must maintain full time status throughout the program.
- The student with the highest grade report average after the first year will be awarded $1,000, 2nd highest student $500, 3rd highest student $250 each. The student must have completed all their first-year courses, have a passing grade for attendance in each of those courses, and have a total courseload of at least 70%.
- Scholarship funding is only towards tuition and is non-transferable. The student must maintain good financial standing with AIM Academy.
- Scholarships are applied yearly; If a student is on OSAP, AIM will notify them about the reduction in tuition.
- Scholarship eligibility is revoked if student does not maintain full attendance grades in courses used to calculate grade report average.
- Scholarship terms and conditions may vary yearly.
If you'd like to learn more about details and eligibility requirements, please contact us by emailing us at