Our Graduates

Graduates of the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Academy are recognized for the compassion that they show, their professional competence, and their confidence in their skill. We are proud to have trained a talented group of passionate practitioners who are making a difference in their communities wherever they go, committed to making a positive impact on the health and wellness of their patients.

Our graduates come from all walks of life and have pursued a variety of career paths in the field of acupuncture and TCM. Some have joined established clinics, while others have started their own practices, work out of their homes, and some even work on cruise ships. Our graduates are able to apply for licences, registration, and certification all around the world, so while many of our graduates are practising in Canada, you can still find AIM Alumni around the world including Denmark, Mexico, England, Austria, Israel, Zimbabwe, the United States and New Zealand.


AIM Alumni Directory

Please contact info@aim-academy.ca if your contact information is missing or needs an update.


First Name Last Name Designation City Contact Email Contact Number Website
Aimee Leung R. Ac Toronto aimee.acu@gmail.com 416 778 5840 https://nexushealthclinic.com/profiles/aimee_leung , https://kewgardenshealth.com/
Alison Cheung R. TCMP, RAc Toronto Alisoncheungacu@gmail.com 647 887 4178 Radiantacupuncture.ca
Brittany FitzGreen Dipl. ST Hamilton hamiltonshiatsu@gmail.com www.hamiltonshiatsu@gmail.com
Caila Crawford R. Ac ccrawf26@alumni.uwo.ca
Carlotta Trenholm Dipl. S.T. Oakville, ON carlottatrenholm8@gmail.com 416 997 0848 https://ca.linkedin.com/in/carlottatrenholmshiatsu 
Carolyn Kozole CST Brampton ckozole@assante.com 416 333 7459
Chen Weinberg R. Ac Toronto chenweinberg@gmail.com 416 999 8640 http://www.neshamatherapy.com/
Eloise Goodwin R. Ac Toronto eloise.goodwin@gmail.com 647 378 5466 https://pointsunshineacu.com/
Frank De Melo R. Ac London demelocst@hotmail.com 519 318 4292 https://www.pih.org/
Hideki Takahashi Dipl.S.T., RMT Toronto info@massagehealthcare.com 647 208 6159 www.massagehealthcare.com
Karen Sze R. Ac Toronto info@KarenSze.com 416 821 4301 AcuCorner.com
Kelly Maslen R. Ac Toronto km@kellymaslen.com 416 912 0754 Www.Kellymaslen.com
Leisha Correa R. Ac Toronto leisha@leishacorrea.com 647 401 2428 http://leishacorrea.com
Michelle Uy R. Ac, R. TCMP Toronto hello@auntieflow.ca 647 223 4388 http://www.auntieflow.ca
Ani MacKinnon Zen Shiatsu Therapist Toronto ani.mac@rogers.com 416 473 6634 https://www.annmackinnon.com/