Student Acupuncture Clinic

With new safety procedures, our students can restore the natural balance in your body to improve pain, sleep, and mood. Click below to learn how to book your appointment.

Appointments are available! Click below to book your appointment, scroll down to view the upcoming schedule.

Book Your Appointment OnlineCall 416-323-1818 ext. 200 to Book
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About Our Student Acupuncture Clinic

AIM Academy operates Acupuncture and Chinese Herb Teaching Clinics.
Treatments are offered throughout the year to the public (except for school holiday times) by our Diploma Program students and are supervised. These treatments have been used to help maintain good health, to prevent ill-health, and to treat a variety of conditions including headaches, neck and shoulder tension, insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, constipation, and stress.

Patients are to bring or wear their own loose fitting clothing for treatments and should arrive 5 - 10 minutes early.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Student Clinic
Students treating the Acupuncture student clinic have completed the theoretical portion of their training and have been working on one another in a clinic environment. At this time, students begin treating various clients and build upon their knowledge and experience by treating a variety of issues such as: lower back pain, stress, headaches/migraines, menopause, menstrual pain, digestion issues, constipation, insomnia and abdominal pain (just to name a few). Students work in groups of two or three and are closely supervised by highly trained professional instructors.

This clinic is ideal for those who would like to learn more about their body's condition from an eastern therapeutic perspective.

Student clinic is meant for students to treat a variety of clients to gain exposure to many conditions throughout their training. Therefore clients can request the same student anywhere from 5-8 treatments maximum, depending on the supervisor's discretion.

Students collaborate in pairs or small groups, receiving close supervision from highly trained professional instructors. In the final stages of their clinical training, students transition to working independently.


$25 per session or buy a book of 5 treatments for $100 for all follow up treatments. Coupon booklets for 5 treatments are non-refundable but can be shared with family and friends with consent by the original coupon purchaser.

New clients receive their first treatment for FREE!

Acupuncture treatments at our student clinic typically range from 60 to 90 minutes. The duration may vary depending on the student's experience level—newer students, who are still in the early stages of their clinic training, may take longer to develop a diagnosis and treatment plan. More senior students, with additional clinical experience, are able to complete the process more efficiently, resulting in a slightly shorter treatment time.


The schedule is set at least one month in advance. The days clinic occurs for each week generally are the same but can vary due to holidays and other clinic considerations. Please check below for the precise schedule.

Note: The days clinic occurs for each week generally are the same but can vary due to holidays and other clinic considerations.

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For the continuted protection of our patients, students, instructors and staff we please ask that you follow these student clinic procedures. Thank you!

  • We encourage clients to come to their appointment 5-10 minutes before their start time.
  • Do not book an appointment if you are sick with a fever.
  • Hand hygiene must be performed upon entering and leaving the clinic
  • Shoe Policy: All individuals are expected to wear closed-toed shoes at all times, except during their treatment. During the winter season, we specifically request that you bring a pair of indoor shoes or running shoes with hard soles to change into upon arrival.

Missed Appointments & Cancellations

Missed Appointments
When you book an appointment with us, that time is set aside for you - and ONLY you. We never double book and we try to always be ready for you when you arrive. In return, we ask that you keep your promise to us and show up for your appointment on time.

Missed appointments prevent us from catering to other clients.

That said, our policy is simple. If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, and you have not notified us at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the treatment as booked. The fee is $25 or if you have a book of 5 you may use one of your coupons (value of $20).

In the event that you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment with us, please contact us by phone at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you do not reach us, please leave a message on our voice-mail system. If we do not hear from you within this time frame, and you do not keep your appointment, the above policy will be applied.

Note: We recognize that no one is perfect and there are circumstances that are out of your control (sudden illness, family emergencies, etc.) and so we may make an exception to the above policies on those rare occasions.

Free Appointments

From time to time AIM Academy will offer free treatments to patients.  Please see below for most free treatment slots.  You can also contact us for more details about free treatments. Limited to one free treatment a week. 

Mondays at 6:15pm & 8:00pm

Wednesdays at 9:45am, 11:15am, 2:15pm & 3:45pm

Thursdays at 6:15pm & 8:00pm

Fridays at 9:45am, 11:15am, 2:15pm, 3:45pm

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