Wellness Clinic FAQs

Is there a difference between Registered Massage Therapy and Shiatsu Therapy?

Yes. These are different modalities and usually referred to separately in your statement of coverage.
Shiatsu is a form of therapy that provides varying levels of comfortable, appropriate holding pressure on various related pressure points found within the body. Shiatsu is an ancient form of Eastern therapeutic practice.

Do you do direct billing?

No. Payment is due at the time of treatment but we can issue you an ‘insurance letter’ to submit for reimbursement to your insurance company.

How do I know if I am covered?

Every plan is different so we recommend you contact your provider and ask.

What can you provide me with to submit to my insurance company?

We can issue you an ‘insurance letter’ with your name, the type of treatment you receive (shiatsu, acupuncture, registered massage therapy or naturopathic session), the therapist’s name and their licence number. Clients usually request these at the end of a set of treatments or immediately after their treatment. Letters generally can be prepared very quickly but utmost please allow for a few days to process.

How can I get my insurance provider to cover my treatments if they do not already do so?

We encourage you to ask for what you want. Be very clear that you are not asking for more coverage – just choice in coverage. The Shiatsu Therapy Association of Ontario has a form letter that it’s member’s give to clients to help them request shiatsu coverage.