External Techniques: Auricular acupuncture, Electro-acupuncture, Plum Blossom, Gua-sha, cupping and Moxibustion


Course Description:

This course of study allows the student the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of; ear acupuncture, this therapy was recorded in the book Neijing (500-300B.C.). In traditional Chinese Medicine, the ear is not considered to be a separate organ, but closely connected with the channels, collaterals and Zhang-Fu organ systems. This course will introduce the anatomical terminology of the auricular surface and will demonstrate how ear acupuncture can be used in the treatment of disease; Gua-sha, an exterior release method using a Chinese porcelain spoon; Cupping, a therapy whereby a heated glass jar is attached, by suction, to the skin surface relieving local congestion; and Moxibustion, a treatment using a dried herb known as Artemisia Vulgaris, that is lit and applied to the skin for the prevention and treatment of disease. Other techniques studied in the course are plum blossoming and electo-acupuncture.


February 16 - June 1, 2019
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Course Length: 60 hours

Cost: $540

To register:
Call 416-323-1818 X 202
Email: info@aim-academy.ca

AIM Academy
455 Spadina Ave, Suite 300, Toronto ON, M5S 2G8

Instructors: Kenneth Choi & Roberto Iusso