Code of Ethics
- Every client shall be treated equally and truthfully without discrimination with regard to sex, race, religion, or political belief.
- The well being of the client is the student therapist's chief concern and the student therapist will not negligently do anything to endanger their well being.
- The confidentiality and dignity of the client shall be respected.
- The client has the right to accept or refuse any form of treatment and to be advised to the nature of the treatment to be given.
- The student therapist shall not refuse or withdraw his/her services without justifiable cause.
- The student therapist shall ensure that his/her professional conduct is above reproach.
- The student therapist shall not take physical, emotional, nor financial advantage of the client.
- The student therapist shall strive to continually improve his/her knowledge and professional skills.
- The student therapist shall encourage and educate the client to the best of his/her knowledge in the development of a healthy lifestyle.
- The student therapist shall not recruit any client from school clinic nor from school or show functions.
- The student therapist shall always clearly identify his/herself as a student whether in school or outside of school.
- Students are not allowed to set up a private acupuncture practice outside of school while training at AIM Academy.