Interested in Practical Pulse Diagnosis with Richard?
Join us on Saturday, November 2nd!
Practical Pulse Diagnosis with Richard Kwan
Richard Kwan is offering a Practical Pulse Diagnosis for students and practitioners to simplify your Pulse Diagnosis and practice knowing how to improve your Pulse taking skills.
There will also be a Practical component not only to palpate the Pulse but also to influence the Pulse of patients through palpation of acu-points and Acupuncture. By seeing how the Pulse changes during a treatment, this helps to build your confidence and improve your treatment results.
Schedule: Saturday, November 2nd
Location: In Person at AIM Academy
Cost: $300
AIM Students and Alumni Cost: $250 (Please send an e-transfer to to reserve your spot at the discounted rate.)
TCMO Member Price: $250