Expand your skills by learning Tuina!

Tuina Course Cover

Interested in learning a form of traditional Chinese massage?

Looking to add an additional modality to your practice? 

This course is open to anyone who’s taken TCM Theory!

Learn more about Tuina


SCHEDULE: Mondays, April 17th - October 23rd, 2023 (August off)

TIME: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

LENGTH: 80 hours

LOCATION: In person at AIM Academy

COST: $900

Course Description

Tuina – an excellent Chinese manual therapy, which uses the TCM theory of the flow of Qi through the channels as its basic therapeutic orientation. Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques Tuina establishes a harmonious flow of Qi through the system of channels and collaterals, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. Tuina's simplicity and focus is on specific problems, rather than a more generalized treatment.

It is used to treat conditions that in western medicine ordinarily would require a physiotherapist, a chiropractor and an osteopath.

Tuina may be applied to treat many disorders from soft tissue injuries to many other kinds of ailments such as rheumatic pain, tiredness, lack of energy and any symptoms caused by stress or emotional problems. Tuina not only works on the muscles and joints, but also at a deeper level, affecting the flow of vital life energy in the body.

Tuina will be learned and practiced, with a special emphasis on the practical aspect. The student will learn how to treat various pathologies by using individually formulated protocols containing a variety of techniques.

To apply now, please contact: info@aim-academy.ca or 416-323-1818, x. 202.

Get in Touch!

Instructor: Zachary Lui R. Ac, MMQ

Zachary L.

Zachary, R.Ac, MMQ, is a leading expert in Eastern metaphysics. He is a Shaman-Folk Priest, Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac), and Master of Medical Qigong (MMQ). In addition, he is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, a Certified trainer from the Results Over Image Institute, studying directly from Andrieh Vitimus for several years and has specialized in Pure Land Buddhist and Daoist magics and is an international radio co-host

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